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Royal Enchantments

Welcome everyone, These are the suggested Royal Enchantments we have received so far, THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL LIST, CERTAIN SUGGESTIONS MIGHT NOT MAKE IT TO THE OFFICIAL GAME. We are very impressed by all the suggestions, keep them coming! You can submit a form here or directly on our discord. Thank you very much for your support.

Royal Enchantments

This is the list of Royal Enchantments that have been suggested so far. I will make an effort to keep it updated regularly. Thank you very much and keep them coming!

Discord Pfp
Discord ID
Name of the Royal Enchantment
Oneil | MOD
Game Reset
Reset board. 10,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Capture from an extra square away. 6,800 RCC, 3 turns
Oneil | MOD
Energy Boost
Use two powers in one turn. 7,500 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Smoke Screen
Obscure board for opponent's next turn. 6,500 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Reality Warp
Swap board sides. 10,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
King in safe zone. 9,900 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Reverse 3 moves. 9,800 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Black Hole
Remove 3x3 square. 9,700 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Disable opponent powers. 9,500 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Piece gains abilities. 6,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Copy last power. Varies, 20 turns
Oneil | MOD
Check Dodge
Evade a checkmate once. 9,500 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Army Upgrade
+1 move for pieces. 10,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Tactical Insight
Gain extra 30 sec/turn. 5,200 RCC, 5 turns
Oneil | MOD
Temporal Freeze
Freeze piece. 9,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Duplicate piece. 8,800 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Remove piece. 8,500 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
King's Fury
King like queen. 7,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Bring back piece. 5,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
See opponent's planned moves for next 3 turns. 4,800 RCC, 10 turns
Oneil | MOD
See next opponent move. 4,500 RCC, 15 turns
Oneil | MOD
Piece un-capturable. 4,000 RCC, 15 turns
Oneil | MOD
Pawn Army
Pawns like knights. 3,500 RCC, 15 turns
Oneil | MOD
Time Warp
Undo last move. 3,000 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Move piece anywhere. 2,000 RCC, 20 turns
Oneil | MOD
Advanced Pawn
Pawn to knight. 1,500 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Quick Castling
No-req castling. 1,400 RCC, 1/game
Oneil | MOD
Swap two pieces. 1,200 RCC, 20 turns
Oneil | MOD
Double Move
Two moves/turn. 800 RCC, 15 turns
Oneil | MOD
Check Shield
Block a check. 500 RCC, 10 turns
random draw
Each player can choose to use special power ,once obviously ,at any time during match and its random. (Spinning wheel ,bingo basket ,whatever ,etc) they can use it then or not
Beach Dog
Knight’s power jump
Longer jump once per game.
Beach Dog
Rooks and bishops can travel through obstacles and hit targets covered by them. Can not check enemy’s king. One time per game?
Beach Dog
After necromancer kills enemy pawn it can raise own pawn that was previously killed.
Sir Found
Pawn killer powers
only pawns may kill any pc for the next 10 turns ( This would require you to block in pcs so your pawns can kill them )
Sir Found
Let there be pawns!
All pcs shallow act as pawns for the next 10 turns
Sir Found
Speed up
Requires you opponent to make a move in 30 seconds or forfeit there turn
Sir Found
Black lotus
Adds 3 mana to your pool
spectate mode
with some sort of tipping service and or text to speech thats not moderated by a streamer platform, would be a helpful plug for streamers to get on board.
Sir Found
Sir lost
Just fireworks 🎇 and says your win ! If you the opposite player or you get to see fireworks
Professor Paws-For-Thought
queen exchange
the ability to restore a queen to both sides, a reverse exchange 😎
Special power for chaturanga
If you have active trait of KING + QUEEN you will get +50% RCC token 🔥
Ghost open
for the first three moves, your pieces are invisible to the opponent. All the normal game rules still apply so they might be accidentally taken or block some opponent's move revealing that there is something there. One would really have to keep an eye on fool's mate here.
Dom. | CCC | GCC | HTC
Pawn Buffs
Allows a pawn to move 2 spaces forward or 1 move in ANY direction
Sir Orwhale 🐳
an opponent must use their next move to move back the piece they last moved (does not work if pawn was used)
Queens Vanity
Queen can change places with any of your other pieces
Black mirror event
Opponent must mimmick your last move using same piece (excluding kings) ,moving in same direction the same number of spaces. This is only time any piece ,besides knight , can jump others
Dries_I_am | Zalathor
Shape-shifting pawn
Pawn that turns into the piece it takes
Chaturanga Mastermind
(King special power) Ability: He releases a red aura that imbues his troops with the master spirit, briefly imbuing them with superior intelligence and supreme speed. An Artificial Intelligence makes three consecutive movements! It can be at any time, it could be used to get out of a tight spot or find holes, it can only be used once every three games!
Maustoth♟RCC´s Pawn
King Rider
Turn the king a rider and allow him 1 knight movement, or give him a bishop movement, or tower, among the capture power of his protector, this way the king can run or attack suddely the enemy.
Maustoth♟RCC´s Pawn
Sacred power
A sacred power is given to any of the pieces that has captured a Bishop, this piece(s) starts glowing, when this piece moves back to its original place, it may summon a dead Queen also to his original place.
Cardano-Apollo | MOD
Time traveler
steal some time from your opponent's clock and ad it to yours
Cardano-Apollo | MOD
Pawn army
will defuse the power that has last been used by your opnnent
Cardano-Apollo | MOD
defuse power
start with a double row of pawns
Cardano-Apollo | MOD
special power
that will give you the ability to change your bishop example : white to black squares
Cardano-Apollo | MOD
ghost mode
you piece will disappear for a couple of moves
Checkping | MOD
Bulldozer Rook
rook can bulldoze into an enemy pawn that is on the same line ( only works if its a vertical attack )
Checkping | MOD
can be activated in any piece on your board and be on stealth in a certain amount of rounds
King Walk
The king may move two squares in one turn
Poisoned Pawn
If taken, the piece taking is eliminated
Puts the king in check regardless
Skips two turns, allows you to use three powers in the same turn
Best Move (Stockfish)
Duck (Blocker)
mutants of knights into 4 pieces A player could reserve this power till the end game. However, This power can only get activated if your king is left with one pawn and one Knight on the board.
Johnny Tran | RCC
Invisible mode
Player that use this power can have all their pieces invisible for 3 turns
Johnny Tran | RCC
Play the Player Power
You can move opponent piece 1 time
Johnny Tran | RCC
Timer Freeze
freeze the time of play for the person using it
Johnny Tran | RCC
Skip a turn Power
Ability to skip opponents turn
Johnny Tran | RCC
Married Power
Queen and King gets married and have a baby
Johnny Tran | RCC
Nuke Power
Capture 1 piece and any squares on the board touching that piece auto capture the pieces next to it
Johnny Tran | RCC
Queens Power
any piece with this power can move 3 times like queens
Johnny Tran | RCC
Warp Power
Warp to any place on the board
Johnny Tran | RCC
Venus Fly Trap
1 power use, if an opponent attacks a piece with this power, it captures the opposing enemy piece
Elite squad
Pawns gain the King powers for 2 turns
House arrest
Opponent cannot move King for 2 turns
Blind eyes
Allow king to Castle even if he moved along back rank or through a check
2nd chances
Restart game from beginning minus d4 pawn
Pawn jump
Move your pawn 2 squares forward (cannot capture a opponents piece)
Steal a Special Power from your opponent
Time killer
remove 30 seconds from you opponents time
Pawn promo knight
Max promotion of Pawn to knight
Pawn promo rook
Max promotion of Pawn to rook
Pawn promo bishop
Max promotion of Pawn to bishop
King escape
king has the ability to move like queen for 1 turn
Double move
2 moves in 1 turn
Best Move
Play the best move according to stockfish
Cancels all special powers from you opponent
Clock fail
Player doesn't see his clock for the entire game
Time cutter
Player loses 1 seconds with every move for the entire game
Bounce back
pushes the attacking piece back to original position
Throw a handgranade max 2 squares away from you (only straight line throw)
Place a landmine on a free square at max 1 place before your own piece
Rush time of the opponent for 20%, but make you sacrifice 2 of your pawns
Bless of the King
when you play as a white: make your horse blessed and can jump one +1 field
the queen's infatuation
Queen can take out one of the pawns of opponens out of the board( wherever stays)
immediately after your move, show which move stockfish would have played. This is a little different than the "best move" power where it is actually played. Can be for just a few moves or the whole game (I could use that...)
pawn can take the piece in front of it
knight on the rim
knight can move laterally so that it retains its full movement even near the edges of the board. It just goes "outside the board" and appears from the other side. Think h4 -> b5 for example
when the opponent's pawn would be promoted, you get to choose the piece type (still something other than pawn of course)
pawn castling
if these pieces haven't moved yet, one rook and the pawn in front of it swap places
no-man's land
the four center squares are locked for a number of turns for both: can't move in or out
any piece suddenly becomes THE ROOK
captain america
when your piece is taken, the attacker is taken instead
flow state
your time runs 10% slower
officer circulation
bishops become knights and vice-versa, permanently
queen aquires knight's movement as well
Trade places
Pawn for pawn, knight for knight etc.
Queen Gambit
Any peace move like queen. One time maybe
to take out opponents pieces
Sir Found
Left Step
all pcs move to the left if possible
Sir Found
Right step
All pcs move to the right if possible
Sir Found
Time warp
roll back the game 6 moves
Sir Found
Forward march
All pawns that can move forward one space will do so on your turn
Sir Found
Trade armies
most be played within the 1st 4 turns of the game ( you swap all pcs with your opponent )
Sir Found
Pawn downgrade
The following pc can only act like a pawn for the next 3 moves
Sir Found
Death lands
if you go thru or land you die
Sir Found
Creates a wall that pcs can’t go thru for 3 turns ( ability that trade places still work )
Sir Found
Last stand!
If you pc dies takes the pcs that kills it with them
Sir Found
If any pc is next to that pc for 3 turns auto dies ( or stays for 1 turn )
Sir Found
Make a baby
King and queen next to each other to create a pawn in an open spot
Sir Found
Respawn (not revive)
just moving your current pcs to starting location ( not coming back to life )
Sir Found
Upgrade pcs
take a killed pc and upgrade your pc to that type ( can’t move till next turn )
Sir Found
Fast mode
Most make moves in 30 sec or less our loose turn for 6 turns each side
Sir Found
Super king mode
King gets queens powers for 3 moves
Sir Found
Place pc to starting location
Sir Found
King respawn
Place king back to starting location
Sir Found
Fog mode
Hides your pcs for two turns
Sir Found
Invincible mode!
King can’t be killed for 3 turns
Sir Found
Reversal card
make opponent last move undo and is not allowed to move there next the end of 2 turns
Sir Found
War rage
pawns can move 2 spots forward for the next 3 turns
Sir Found
mix’s up all pcs on the board
Sir Found
random kills off 5 pcs on the board but for kings ( both yours and opponent)
Sir Found
Trade pc with your opponent but can’t create a check
Sir Found
Trade piece
Trade pc with your one of your own pcs
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